// Variables // ========= // Colors @colorPrimary: #ee2c35; @colorSecondary: #b2c81e; @colorTertiary: #38cef9; @colorBg: #ffffff; @bradius: 5px; // Metrics @boxWidth: 1240px; // Other @layoutType: "wide"; @borderType: "square"; @outerBgType: "color"; @outerBgColor: @colorSecondary; @outerBgImage: ""; @preloader: ""; // Mixins .animation(@animation) { -webkit-animation: @animation; animation: @animation; } .transform(@transform) { -webkit-transform: @transform; -ms-transform: @transform; // IE9 only transform: @transform; } // Styles // ====== // Backgrounds body { background: @colorBg !important; } body when (@layoutType = "boxed") and (@outerBgType = "color") { background: @outerBgColor !important; } body when (@layoutType = "boxed") and (@outerBgType = "pattern") and not (@outerBgImage = "") { background: url(@outerBgImage) @colorBg repeat left top !important; } html when (@layoutType = "boxed") and (@outerBgType = "image") and not (@outerBgImage = "") { height: 100%; background: url(@outerBgImage) @colorBg repeat center top / cover fixed !important; 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background-color:@colorPrimary; } .feature-box-2 .price-badge, .feature-box-3 .offerbadge { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .slide-controls-primary .owl-theme .owl-controls .owl-page span, .pricetable-holder1.active, .team-holder-1 .image-holder .hover-box, .footer-social-icons li a:hover, .btn.btn-bgprimary, .ms-layer.btn.sbut3, .feature-box-9 .offerbadge { background: @colorPrimary; } .tabstyle-1 .responsive-tabs li a:hover, .tabstyle-1 .responsive-tabs li.active, .tabstyle-1 .responsive-tabs li.active a, .feature-box-5:hover .title, .feature-box-5.active .title { color: @colorPrimary; } .section-overlay.bg-primary { background: fadeout(@colorPrimary, 6%); } .feature-box-5:hover .iconbox-small, .feature-box-5:hover .iconbox-tiny, .feature-box-5.active .iconbox-small, .feature-box-5.active .iconbox-tiny, .feature-box-7:hover, .feature-box-7.active { border:1px solid @colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } .scrollup { background: @colorPrimary url(../images/scroll-top-arrow.png) no-repeat 15px 16px; } .ms-layer.text4 i { color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-1.active { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-2.active { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-2.active .features-list li:nth-child(even) { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .pricetable-active-bg-strip { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .feature-box-11:hover .iconbox-smedium, .feature-box-11.active .iconbox-smedium { background-color:@colorPrimary; border:1px solid @colorPrimary; } .tabstyle-2 .responsive-tabs li a:hover, .tabstyle-2 .responsive-tabs li.active, .tabstyle-2 .responsive-tabs li.active a { border-right:1px solid @colorPrimary; background-color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-3.active { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-3.active .features-list li:nth-child(even) { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .domain-search-home-2 #search-submit { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .feature-box-12:hover .text-box, .feature-box-12.active .text-box { background-color:@colorPrimary; border:1px solid @colorPrimary; } a.read-more.dark:hover { color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-4.active { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .feature-box-15 .price-badge { background-color:@colorPrimary; } .btn.btn-border:hover.primary { border-color:@colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } .btn.btn-border.primary { color:@colorPrimary; border-color:@colorPrimary; } .tabstyle-3 .responsive-tabs li a:hover, .tabstyle-3 .responsive-tabs li.active, .tabstyle-3 .responsive-tabs li.active a { color: @colorPrimary; } .feature-box-5:hover .iconcircle-small, .feature-box-5:hover .iconcircle-tiny, .feature-box-5.active .iconcircle-small, .feature-box-5.active .iconcircle-tiny { border-color:@colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-5.active { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-5.active .features-list li:nth-child(even) { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .feature-box-17 .price-badge { background-color: @colorPrimary; } nav ul li a.active, nav ul li a:hover { color: @colorPrimary; } #domain-search-holder #searchsubmit { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .feature-box-18:hover .text-box, .feature-box-18.active .text-box { border-color:@colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } .help-sear-holder #search-btn { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .smart-forms .btn-primary.bgprimary { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .iconbox-dxlarge.color-primary, .iconbox-xlarge.color-primary, .iconbox-large.color-primary, .iconbox-xmedium.color-primary, .iconbox-medium.color-primary, .iconbox-smedium.color-primary, .iconbox-small.color-primary, .iconbox-tiny.color-primary, .iconbox-xtiny.color-primary { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .table-style-2 th { background: @colorPrimary; } .post-date-box { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .blog-holder-1 .image-holder .overlay .icon { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .blog-holder-1 .image-holder .overlay .icon:hover { color: @colorPrimary; } .blog-pagenation li a:hover, .blog-pagenation li a.active { border:1px solid @colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } .category-links li a:hover, .category-links li a.active { color: @colorPrimary; } .tags-2 li a:hover, .tags-2 li a.active { border:1px solid @colorPrimary; background-color: @colorPrimary; } .sidebar-posts:hover h6, .sidebar-posts.active h6 { color: @colorPrimary; } .social-icons-1 li a { background-color: @colorPrimary; } a.loadmore-but { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-button.two .cbp-filter-item.cbp-filter-item-active { border-bottom: 2px solid @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-button.two .cbp-filter-item:hover { color: @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-button.two .cbp-filter-counter:before { border-top: 4px solid @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-button.two .cbp-filter-counter { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .cbp-l-filters-button.three .cbp-filter-item.cbp-filter-item-active { color: @colorPrimary; } #header-2 { border-bottom:1px solid @colorPrimary; } .error-search-box .input_submit { border:1px solid @colorPrimary; background-color:@colorPrimary; } //layout classic-2 .feature-box-19:hover, .feature-box-19.active { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-6 .price-circle .price { color: @colorPrimary; } .pricetable-holder-6.active { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .feature-box-21:hover, .feature-box-21.active { background-color: @colorPrimary; } .feature-box-21:hover .arrow-up, .feature-box-21.active .arrow-up { border-bottom: 20px solid @colorPrimary; } // Border roundness .btn when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .ms-layer.btn when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .pricetable-holder1 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tabstyle-1 .responsive-tabs li when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tab-content-holder when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .feature-box-5 .iconbox-tiny when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .feature-box7 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .team-holder-1 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .team-holder-1 .image-holder when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-top-left-radius:@bradius; border-top-right-radius:@bradius; } .footer-social-icons li a when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .scrollup when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .text-box when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .pricetable-holder-1 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tabstyle-2 .responsive-tabs li when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tab-navbar-main-style-2 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tabstyle-2 .responsive-tabs li.active when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tabstyle-2 .responsive-tabs li.active a when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tab-content-style-2 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .pricetable-holder-2 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .pricetable-holder-3 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .feature-box-14 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-dxlarge when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-xlarge when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-large when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-xmedium when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-medium when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-smedium when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-small when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-tiny when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .iconbox-xtiny when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .pricetable-holder-4 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tab-navbar-main-style-3 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tab-content-style-3 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .feature-box-16 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .feature-box-7 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } #domain-search-holder #dsearch when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-top-left-radius: @bradius; border-bottom-left-radius: @bradius; } #domain-search-holder #searchsubmit when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-top-right-radius: @bradius; border-bottom-right-radius: @bradius; } .domain-pricing-table-holder when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .post-date-box when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .blog-pagenation li a when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .tags-2 li a when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .social-icons-1 li a when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } a.loadmore-but when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } // layout classic-2 .feature-box-19 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .pricetable-holder-6 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } .feature-box-21 when (@borderType = "rounded") { border-radius: @bradius; } // Temp // Current temp template's fixes #header { margin: 0 auto; } // Preloader .preloader when not (@preloader = "") { position: fixed; z-index: 999999; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; font-size: 120px; text-align: center; line-height: 100vh; background: @colorBg; transition: .4s; .loader-icon * { fill: @colorPrimary; } } body when not (@preloader = "") { &.loading { overflow: hidden; } &:not(.loading) { .preloader { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; } } } // Preloader types body.loading when (@preloader = "dots-in-circle") { .loader-dots-in-circle { .animation(loader-spin 1s steps(8) infinite); } } body when (@preloader = "dots-in-circle"), (@preloader = "circle"), (@preloader = "cog") { @-webkit-keyframes loader-spin { to { .transform(rotate(360deg)); } } @keyframes loader-spin { to { .transform(rotate(360deg)); } } } body.loading when (@preloader = "rectangles") { .loader-rectangles { > .loader-anim-item { .animation(loader-scale 1s linear infinite); .transform(scale(.4)); -webkit-transform-origin: center; transform-origin: center; &:nth-child(2) { -webkit-animation-delay: .15s; animation-delay: .15s; } &:nth-child(3) { -webkit-animation-delay: .3s; animation-delay: .3s; } } } @-webkit-keyframes loader-scale { 0% { .transform(scale(.4)); } 30% { .transform(none); } 60% { .transform(scale(.4)); } 100% { .transform(scale(.4)); } } @keyframes loader-scale { 0% { .transform(scale(.4)); } 30% { .transform(none); } 60% { .transform(scale(.4)); } 100% { .transform(scale(.4)); } } } body.loading when (@preloader = "circles") { .loader-circles { > .loader-anim-item { opacity: 0; .animation(loader-opacity 1s linear infinite); &:nth-child(2) { -webkit-animation-delay: .15s; animation-delay: .15s; } &:nth-child(3) { -webkit-animation-delay: .3s; animation-delay: .3s; } } } @-webkit-keyframes loader-opacity { 0% { opacity: 0; } 40% { opacity: 1; } 80% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } @keyframes loader-opacity { 0% { opacity: 0; } 40% { opacity: 1; } 80% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 0; } } } body.loading when (@preloader = "circle") { .loader-circle { .animation(loader-spin 1s linear infinite); -webkit-transform-origin: center; transform-origin: center; } } body.loading when (@preloader = "ovals-in-circle") { .loader-ovals-in-circle .loader-anim-item { .animation(loader-opacity-2 10s linear infinite); &:nth-child(2) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.08s; animation-delay: 0.08s; } &:nth-child(3) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.17s; animation-delay: 0.17s; } &:nth-child(4) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.25s; animation-delay: 0.25s; } &:nth-child(5) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.42s; animation-delay: 0.42s; } &:nth-child(6) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0.5s; } &:nth-child(7) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.58s; animation-delay: 0.58s; } &:nth-child(8) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.66s; animation-delay: 0.66s; } &:nth-child(9) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.75s; animation-delay: 0.75s; } &:nth-child(10) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.83s; animation-delay: 0.83s; } &:nth-child(11) { -webkit-animation-delay: 0.91s; animation-delay: 0.91s; } &:nth-child(12) { -webkit-animation-delay: 1s; animation-delay: 1s; } } @-webkit-keyframes loader-opacity-2 { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0; } } @keyframes loader-opacity-2 { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0; } } } body.loading when (@preloader = "cog") { .loader-cog { .animation(loader-spin 3s linear infinite); } }