About Us

Canadian E-Learning Education System (CELES) is a global certifying body that grants credential awards to individuals as well as accredits courses of organizations.

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Enhancing Educational Excellence through E-Learning Affiliation.

The The Canadian E-Learning Education System (CELES), was founded in 2010 by David Clark, G. Michael, and V.K. Zori, and is incorporated in Canada County in the state of British Columbia.

The Canadian E-Learning Education System (CELES) is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in institutes/schools and universities, and in the workplace. With members hailing from every continent —and from the realms of business, industry, government, and academia—the CELES is a vibrant and diverse community of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students.


  • Serve as a catalyst for the development and exchange of ideas among universities, educational institutions, government agencies, funding agencies, conferences, and businesses;
  • Publish materials advancing the use of e-learning;
  • Promote excellence in e-learning research, development and use;
  • Disseminate information about e-learning opportunities and use to the public, the media, governments, and business and industry;
  • Share and promote policies, procedures, and practices with respect to all matters regarding the use of e-learning; and,
  • Cooperate and liaise with related regional, national and international associations.

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